the individual messages from each Hey! Say! JUMP member at the end of the final track on the JUMP no.1 album, Thank You ~僕たちから君へ~
Thank You ~僕たちから君へ~ Normal Edition: MESSAGES
Yabu: Eh, this is Yabu Kota. Thank you for always supporting us. To those of you, we're always thinking of how we can give something back in return, but this time, we wrote the song "Thank you". Our gratefulness... while discussing it together, we put these feelings of thanks to you all into this one song. Please keep supporting us from now on, too. Let's make lots of memories together. Bye-bye.
Chinen: Hello, it's Chinen Yuri. To my dear Juliet: I love you. I love you. I love you too much. (In English): I love you. Just kidding . Everyone. (In English): I love you! This time I'm serious! Bye-bye. This was Chinen Yuri.
Takaki: Hello everyone, it's Takaki Yuya~. Um, it's been 6 years, exactly 6 years since I joined Johnny's, and it's thanks to all of you that I've been able to do my best and come this far. Please support us from now on too. We'll also do our best to put a smile on your face. Well, see you. Bye-bye. (In Chinese): I love you.
Morimoto: This is Morimoto Ryutaro. Thanks for listening (to the CD) 'til the end. I wonder if you'll listen to the album again? Surely it'll be good if you do! What a short message! This was Morimoto Ryutaro.
Yaotome: Hi, this is Hikaru. Listen to this album, and while you do, really, really, really, really enjoy every day, won't you! Hoija (note: um, I have no idea what this word is. It could be just a random Hikaru sound?) Bye-bye. Bye-bye-bye* (note: sounds like he is saying "baby" instead of "bye-bye")... Ow!
Okamoto: (In English): Hey. It's Okamoto Keito. I'm able to keep going because of your smiles. From now on and forever, for 10 years, well, even 100 years on, please keep supporting me. (In English): Thank you always. See you~
Arioka: Hey. This is Arioka Daiki. Thanks for always supporting us! I sincerely think it's because of all of you that JUMP is able to release an album like this. Keep supporting us from now on, too! Ah, also, the song Time, I was given the chance to arrange it. I'd like it if you could take in each sound individually. So, let's meet again with the second album. (In English): See you next album. Bye-bye
Nakajima: This is Nakajima Yuto~! Yay~! Everyone, follow us! This was Yuto. Bye-bye.
Inoo: How are you? I am Inoo Kei. Thanks for always being our support. Because you are always by our sides, we've been able to release our first album like this. Thanks so, so much. Everyone, lastly, ii no? (literal meaning: is it okay? A play on words, since his last name is Inoo, which sounds like ii no) Thanks, bye-bye!
Yamada: This is Yamada Ryosuke. Everyone, thank you. Daily, while thinking this, we're doing our best. Because you are here, JUMP is here. Mm, this is it. Mmm. From now on too, keep following Hey! Say! JUMP, won't you! That's all, this has been Yamada Ryosuke.
Thank You ~僕たちから君へ~ Limited Edition: MESSAGES
Yabu: How did you find JUMP no.1? Yes, this is Yabu Kota. I was able to write the lyrics to the first track on this album, a song called DREAMER. But yes, in the midst of writing the lyrics, I had thoughts like "how can I make everyone positive with this song?" and so on. While those things came to mind, I thought (about the lyrics) a lot. My feelings are really packed into them. Please, please check it out again. Bye-bye. See ya!
Chinen: Hello! This is Chinen Yuri! Thank you very much for listening to the album. Recording is something we do individually, so we listened to the album with all 10 of our voices for the first time just now. Of course, this album is our first, however it is quite elaborate with all of us, so I was very happy to listen to the final product. Everyone, please listen to the album a lot, and remember it! Thank you very much, this was Chinen Yuri.
Takaki: Everyone who listened to JUMP no.1, hey~! This is Takaki Yuya. Well, the part I want you to listen to is: all of it. Specifically, I wrote lyrics for the first time for the song called Time. Really, like, this was a dream for me, but I think they turned out to be good lyrics, so please listen to them. Really, all the songs are good. Thank you very much.
Morimoto: This is Morimoto Ryutaro. I'm 15 years old. Well, we were finally able to release an album. We put our feelings into each song and sung them carefully. I hope these feelings are conveyed to you. Well, see ya. Bye-bye.
Yaotome: This is Hikaru. This time I challenged song-writing and composition for the first time. I wrote lyrics for songs called I Scream, and INFINITY, it was my first challenge of this kind. I like both of them, so please listen to them. Bye-bye bye-bye (note: sounds like "baby, baby" when he says it). Check it out.
Okamoto: (In English): Hey. It's Okamoto Keito. Everyone, please listen to this album, JUMP no.1 and become happy. (In English): Thank you so much for listening. See you.
Arioka: The fact that you're listening to this means you listened to JUMP no.1 right until the end, doesn't it! Hello, this is Arioka Daiki. How did you find Hey! Say! JUMP's first album? I was able to do the arrangement for the song Time. Takaki's lyrics are good, but I'll be happy if you listen to all the different sounds in the song too. I hope you can get even a hint of a smile on your face from listening to this album. This was Arioka Daiki speaking!
Nakajima: This is Nakajima Yuto. On this album, there is a song called Dash, which I wrote the lyrics to. Did you listen to it? This song is one we'll be able to enjoy together at live shows. Let's definitely go crazy together at the concerts! This was Yuto. See ya!
Inoo: Hello, this is Inoo Kei. When it was announced that we'd be releasing an album, I'm sure all of you were really happy, but I was the happiest! I concentrated too much during recording, and so I frequently made mistakes, but I sung my heart out. When you're sad, or when things are painful, when you're happy... listen to our songs when you're in all different moods, won't you. I love you all!
Yamada: Hello, this is Yamada Ryosuke. Did you enjoy the album? So yes, for this first album, the members each wrote lyrics and so on, and I was able to write the love song Shinku. I thought I'd write a song that would be easy to sympathize with, so I wrote it with all of my heart. How was it? From now on, we, Hey! Say! JUMP, will continue to grow, so please support us. This was Yamada Ryosuke.
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